It all started like every school day does with me biking to school but after that it was all different! My different day started with our class beginning to load our bikes onto the Kempthornes truck. After we had loaded all of the bikes my day began to get even stranger because we began driving to Little River where we were going to start biking the rail trail back to Motukarara.
Once we had arrived at Little River we saw the dead lake or lake Forsyth a undrinkable, unswimmable and non boatable waterway because of the large amount of algae in the lake. We got to have a good look at all of the warning signs and the overall quality of the water while we waited for the parents to get back to Little River so we could start the bike ride.
Once we had all been sorted into all of our groups we began the bike ride, and surprisingly we were biking right next to lake Forsyth, which for some people was a daunting prospect because if you fell off your bike you were in lake Forsyth which is not a good thing at all, but despite this daunting prospect nowon fell into lake forsyth. We finally past lake forsyth and began to bike on the canterbury plains where our next problem was the narrow cattle stops and bridges because normally you can bike two wide but with the narrow cattle stops you have to go back to one wide which created congestion but despite this terrible hardship we all soldiered on!
Eventually we began to see lake Ellesmere which was not far from the rock which was where we were going to stop for lunch. Soon we started to bike along the edge of lake Ellesmere, seeing lot’s of maimais and ducks and swans, a staggering amount of ducks and swans, but my duck watching was soon interrupted by the rock a large rock. Where once most of the boys had arrived we decided to climb the rock and have a picnic on top, but the best part about it was at the top the view was breathtaking! But the views were interrupted by some of the boys were pushing rocks of the edge and down the cliff.

After the boys had been told off and everyone had finished their lunch we continued on. We were know at the halfway point from Little River to Motukarara. Once we started again of course we sore lots of ducks, swans and miamias. But now their was something else that we had to worry about long narrow bridges with cattle stops at each end of the bridge every so often. After about 25 minutes of biking beside the road we began to leave it behind. We were also begging the final stretch of the rail trail so we also had left lake Ellesmere behind so the scenery started to get a bit boring so Jack and I decided to pass the time by wheeling over the cattle stops, but when we got to the second cattle stop I discovered that it was a bad idea because I hit the wooden fence and grazed my arm.

Once we started to dwindle to the finishing point. Sam, Jack S and I arrived in the second group and once we got back we discovered that the first group were all lying under the truck in the shade but that wasn't to our taste so to pass the time we decided to begin loading the truck until Eian Kempthorne (the owner of the truck) to finish the rail trail to finish loading the truck. Once everyone had finished and all the bikes were loaded we began to drive home (back to school) after a awesome day for two reasons. Firstly we all got to see the awesome scenery and secondly we all got a day of school!
Finally we got back to school and unloaded the bikes and got free time for an hour!