Monday, 13 March 2017

List of 10 Vivid Memories

1. I remember falling off my bike and spraining my fingers and swearing a bit!

2. I remember going to the farm for the first time and learning how to move the Linear and the rotor runner.

3. I remember going to school for the first time! :(

4. I remember going for my first ride in a tractor.

5. I remember going fishing for the first time!

6. I remember getting my first fishing rod!

7. I remember Dan Carter signing my Dan Carter statue!

8. I remember going to Franz Josef and Fox Glacier.

9. I remembers going to Okiwi bay for the first time!

10. I remember eating fish and chips in Kaikoura on the beach and a seagull crapping on Sam!

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Memoir About My Town - by Isaac

The town was usual enough; it had
A school with a productive farm on it's fence line, a domain that was like the ones you see on TV, a Small dairy to buy everything for your sweet tooth needs, and even a small stone church
I never went To...

My mates and I
Did what boys do - raced around the the farm to get the work done, built tree Houses everywhere we Went with old scavenged materials we got for free, hit cricket balls over the fence (accidentally) and Dad to jump over the fence to retrieve them, and had also gone home covered in something!

             Doing nothing important

Thursday, 2 March 2017


This is me and sam hexagon activity about change which is our investigation is for this term. We had to work in team one had to do the cutting out and the other had to arrange them in the order we think is right