Tuesday, 14 June 2016

writing sample

Another day at work

By Isaac

Woof, it’s time for another day at work. My owner bob puts my colour and lead on, i jump into the car for the drive to the airport and wonder to myself what mind happen today? We arrive at the airport to start another day at work, it’s a very slow morning but just before lunch I smell something, something I haven’t smelt today. I smells like fresh fruit I race after the sent with my owner in tow, we arive at the suspect to find a nice fresh banana.

I sit down to wait for my owner to tell the man what he has done and after I get a delicious dog treat my favorite kind tux wonderdogs. We continue to walk around the airport waiting for another suspect that we can catch red handed.

We go around to the exit to see if anyone has snuck through conrinten and shure enough we find the same man but this time with a kiwifruit in his jacket, man some people just don’t learn do they? I thought to myself.

We walk onto an aircraft to see if anything bad was in the cargo hold and sure enough at the very back I smelt something, something that smelt like an orange, and when we had a closer inspected we found psyllid deep inside the orange. The department of conservacion came racing down to kill the psyllid and to stop it spreading into local area. Once the orange and the psyllid were taken care of I got three tux wonderdogs, like can this day get any better!

Well later I discovered that it can we get called over to NZ post to check a parcel from a place called, Otago? I started sniffing this strange parcel from a strange place and discovered that their was no fresh fruit in the parcel. But about an hour later when the sun was just starting to dip under the horizon, and all of a sudden we get a phone call to say that what was in the parcel turned out to be a decapitated pig's head like who would have ges that!

We got into the car to go home and so I can have some tea and a sleep so I am ready and energised for the next day at work.

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